Sarallah Hamtaei is an FWO doctoral fellow at imec, where he studies development of flexible thinfilm PV technology on metallic foils and ultra-thin glass. He has also been a visiting scholar at the laboratory of Prof. Pop at Stanford University to work on the characterization of large-area transition metal dichalcogenide thinfilms. Prior to his Ph.D. in Engineering Technology at UHasselt, Sarallah obtained an M.Sc. in Sustainable Materials from the University of Freiburg. Along the way, he worked at Fraunhofer IPMS on novel interconnects for nanoelectronics, and at Fraunhofer ISE on Si epi-wafers. His most recent research activities include i) assessing the effect of extreme, extra-terrestrial conditions on chalcogenide and perovskite- based PV technology and ii) development of high-specific-power, flexible TMD solar cells.